Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The demise of IaaS

The reasons to adopt IaaS are becoming fewer by the day. The transition from on-premises (no it’s not on-premise unless you are grammatically challenged) to IaaS has always been an interim measure. It’s not a destination but a pit stop on the road to real cloud. Seriously - IaaS is not cloud, you’re shifting your servers somewhere else and leveraging economies of scale. It’s like moving your vegetable garden into a shared plot. You’re growing the same edibles but in a different place, same same but different.

Of course there are benefits to shifting your infrastructure, but these are business specific.
  • If your business is geographically spread, then centralised infrastructure might be a bonus.
  • You don’t have to maintain a data centre, physical servers or associated paraphernalia.
  • You should have greater capability to breath in and out as required.
Given you do your homework, planning and the migrate effectively you may be able to make cost savings and increase agility. However, IaaS is still just a pitstop. I think most IT managers would agree they don’t see IaaS as a long term play, at least not in its current form. A lot of established businesses have run computer infrastructure for 20 years or more, in an on-premises capacity. There is no way that IaaS is capable of such longevity.

Most organisations I talk with are not considering IaaS or if they are it’s only a component of a larger cloud strategy. The growth of traditional IaaS is declining, providers now need to differentiate themselves through more advanced services. Backup as a service, platform as a service, disaster recovery and more. Additional services are being added at an increasing rate. Traditional IaaS is no longer an option.

We are seeing the demise of traditional IaaS. Customers expect more than a shared plot. There is no lack of cloud variety and competition for customers is fierce. The only thing constant about IaaS is change.

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